James Legge

  • 网络理雅各;雅各;理译;理雅各布;詹姆士·理雅各
James LeggeJames Legge
  1. The Trend of the Cultural Combination of China and the West in the Religious Thought of James Legge


  2. Today , the development of Chinese Church of Christ part of belonging to James Legge heritage .


  3. James Legge and His Translation of Chinese Classics


  4. Among all the translators , James Legge is undoubtedly the most influential character .


  5. On Translation Strategies of James Legge 's Tao Te Ching


  6. Social Pictures of Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties in James Legge 's Book of Poetry


  7. A Comparison of Confucian Analects Translated by James Legge and Ezra Pound


  8. Comparative Studies on James Legge 's and Cary E.Baynes ' Translations of Book of Changes


  9. An Assessment of James Legge 's Translations of Some Idioms and Allusions in Mencius


  10. Then in order for this paper to be more convincing , a comparative study between two versions of Lun Yu by Ku and James Legge respectively is carried out .


  11. Confucian Analects is a book with copious scholarly notes literally translated by James Legge who aims to convey the meaning of one of Chinas classic works .


  12. If the specter of James Legge 's coming out in such a monument today to prove our existence , this may be Legge left us beyond we have known in a variety of his heritage .


  13. The third chapter makes a comparison between the two versions from three aspects , which are the comparison of language , translation method , translation strategy through analysis of example sentences of English Version of The Analects by James Legge and Ku Hung-ming .
